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The Chairman’s Industry Recognition Award 2020


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19th November 2020

The Chairman’s Industry Recognition Award 2020

In light of the current restrictions affecting all our members, across the globe, we are unable to hold our traditional Air Charter Awards Luncheon, which has become the flagship of our events programme.

However, we feel now more than ever, our industry deserves to be recognised for the incredible work undertaken by our members during what has turned out to be the worst crisis in aviation history.

Therefore, this year we will instead be issuing just this one award to the company or individual from our membership, nominated by you, the members, in recognition of showing the following attributes during the challenging last twelve months:

We are looking for a company or individual, that has shown:

Despite the challenges faced, they have managed to continue to serve the aviation industry both externally to customers and internally to other members and industry stakeholders, whilst having to quickly adapt to the new market conditions without compromising their values or service.

A company or individual who has gone above and beyond to not only uphold the ethics and the standards set by the Association, but has in the process led the way with positivity, setting an example for other members and whose actions were prompted by more than just commercial motives.

A company or individual that has pushed the boundaries beyond their standard offering/service, or used personal initiative, to find a solution to overcome a challenging situation resulting from the crisis

Please submit via email your nominations for the person or company that you feel has best matched the above requirements along with a detailed explanation of why you have nominated them.

Nominations will be presented to the board of the Air Charter Association for consideration and they will vote for the person or company that they feel has demonstrated the greatest example of the three attributes.

Closing date for nominations is Tuesday 1st December 2020.

The winner will be announced during at The ACA Awards and Christmas Drinks on Thursday 17th December 2020.
* Invite to follow soon *

Join us to celebrate the end of a very difficult year, and raise a glass together.

Email your nominations to

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