Become a member
As a member of The ACA you have access to aviation industry experts for advice and the latest industry information. You will receive updates to keep you up to date with regulatory, compliance and innovations. You will also become part of the largest global air charter network and be able to attend our unrivaled industry events.
- Membership is open to companies involved in the air charter industry* and individuals who have retired from the industry.
- Your company must have actively traded in the air charter industry for a minimum of 12 months, and provide evidence on request.
- You must agree to comply and to uphold the Association Code of Practice.
There are two types of membership available:
Corporate Members are Aircraft Brokers and Operators and related companies directly involved in the supply or support of aircraft and their operation, such as, airports, manufacturers, GSAs, FBOs, fuellers, flight planning, aircraft spares, caterers.
Associate Members are companies supporting the air charter industry but not directly involved in the support or operations of aircraft, such as banks, lawyers, media, IT platforms / apps, financiers, insurers*.
The Application process is as simple as possible, get started today by completing the relevant application form below.
* please note that recruitment companies are not eligible for membership of The Association.
Making your application
Your application will be assessed according to the association rules. The assessment includes a review of your application, statutory company information, website, online information and references, combined with current member feedback. The ACA Board then evaluates your application and you will be notified of the outcome as soon as possible.
The entire application process can take up to four weeks, to allow time to make the necessary checks with referees and our existing membership.
The membership year runs from 01 April to 31 March and applicants joining part way through a membership year will be invoiced on a pro-rata basis. The full annual fee is paid in advance and is due on 01 April each year. Membership of the ACA is rolling and will remain active until or unless cancelled by either party.
Membership fees are based on the total number of personnel (including Directors, as well as employees) and principal aviation activity.
References: As part of your application, please note that you must provide two references (via our online form) from current members of The ACA,* who can declare that the applicant is known to them and is, in their opinion, professional in their business activities and suitable for membership. These references must be from a senior member of staff or Director, employed by a current Corporate Member company of The ACA.
Important note: all broker applications must be supported by references from operators, with whom they have recently traded, and for operators, references must be provided by brokers.
Applicant companies who have not actively traded for more than two years (but a minimum of twelve months) must be supported by two current Corporate Members, alongside two additional independent trade references. In some circumstances, companies may be asked to provide additional supporting documentation.
* Please submit your application without delay and send the link to your referees. Please note that we cannot complete your application until references and all supporting documents are received. If you require assistance with this process, please contact us at
Current Membership Rates are:
Corporate Membership:
Standard Membership (26+ employees): £785 GBP / €910 EUR / $1000 USD per year
Reduced Membership (11 – 25 employees): £640 GBP / €745 EUR / $820 USD per year
Reduced Membership (1 – 10 employees): £425 GBP / €495 EUR / $545 USD per year
Associate Membership:
Standard Membership (26+ employees): £1,275 GBP/ €1,480 EUR / $1,635 USD per year
Reduced Membership (11 – 25 employees): £975 GBP / €1,140 EUR / $1,250 USD per year
Reduced Membership (1 – 10 employees): £725 GBP / €845 EUR / $930 USD per year
Membership Application Form
The Air Charter Association Code of Practice
Member companies should ensure that their aviation related staff are fully aware of, and comply with, the contents and implications of the Air Charter Association Code of Practice.
1. maintain the highest professional standards in their day-to-day business activities.
2. act fairly, reasonably, responsibly, honourably and ethically with each other and with their clients and colleagues, and not knowingly bring the Association into disrepute.
3. act within the legal and fiscal requirements of the states in which they conduct their business, and in accordance with international law and United Nations agreements.
4. not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sexuality or disability.
5. handle complaints quickly and sympathetically, and correct errors promptly.
6. keep personal and sensitive business information confidential, and abide by the requirements of applicable data privacy and protection policies and legislation.
7. provide appropriate training for their staff wherever possible, and encourage employees to obtain relevant qualifications and maintain their professional skills.
8. when using a Broker to contract business on their behalf, pay the Broker an agreed commission. If a Member prefers to provide a price which does not include a commission then it will be assumed by the Broker that he has permission to establish his own price with a third party in lieu of such commission.
9. avoid quoting differing prices for what appears to be the same business, accepting that differences will occur if proposals are differently made.
10. declare, when proposing a transaction, whether their role is to be as Principal or Broker.
11. declare early in any proposed transaction on behalf of which Principal they propose to act. This does not mean the Member has to identify the Principal at this stage, but the Member needs to establish that he/she will be acting as Broker on behalf of a Principal.
12. not exceed the authority given to them by their Principal and should act with due care and skill.
13. avoid conflicts of interest, to not make a secret profit and keep a full and proper account of any transaction.
14. avoid any misleading statements in advertising or publicity which suggest that the broker is an aircraft operator or owner when they are not so.
15. carry out due diligence, to their best endeavours, in order to establish that any operator they engage for a flight or flights is properly licensed, insured, documented and competent, and that the aircraft to be used is airworthy and properly maintained.
Please also refer to the Association Membership Rules